DictionaryiOn the welcome page of the dictionary, four major sections are shown: Normal tissues, Cancer, Cell structure and Protein expression. Below the image of each section are links to introductory texts for i) normal tissue histology, ii) hallmarks of cancer and iii) cell cycle overview. Within each section there are direct links to histology descriptions of different tissue types and tumor forms as well as descriptions of cell structures. Furthest to the right there is a "Protein expression" section which includes a list of genes with links to examples of different protein expression patterns. A common feature for all sections is that a general descriptive text about the tissue, tumor-type, cell structure or protein/antibody is provided when browsing a particular topic.
The aim of the dictionary is to facilitate the interpretation and use of the image-based data available in the Human Protein Atlas, but also to serve as a tool for training and understanding tissue histology, pathology and cell biology. The dictionary contains three main parts, normal tissue histology, pathology and cell structure. This dictionary covering normal tissues and pathology is based on full tissue sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and representative high-resolution images are displayed at different magnifications. The cell atlas covers intra-cellular structures and is based on immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy images, using different color channels to highlight the organelle structure of a cell.
A fourth part of this dictionary, protein expression, shows examples of immunohistochemistry and demonstrates how well-known proteins are expressed in various cells of different tissues.
PROTEIN EXPRESSIONi Normal and cancer tissues have been stained using immunohistochemistry to visualize various protein expression patterns. Antibodies have been selected to demonstrate the expression patterns of well-known proteins and to reflect antibodies used in clinical diagnostics to determine the nature of a given cancer. For certain antibodies the corresponding protein expression pattern is shown in both normal and cancer tissues. For each exemplified protein there is a short descriptive text including the clinical usefulness of the corresponding antibody. |
ACTA2 Smooth muscle marker AMACR Marker for prostate cancer AMY1A Amylase - Marker for salivary gland and pancreas CD1A Marker for antigen presenting cells CD3E CD3 - General T cell marker CD4 T helper cell marker CD55 Marker for the reticular network in lymphatic tissues CD68 General monocyte/histiocyte/macrophage marker CD79A General B cell marker CD8A CD8 - T cytotoxic cell marker CDH1 E-cadherin - Marker for non-neural epithelial cells CDX2 Marker for cells in the gastrointestinal tract CHGA Chromogranin A - Marker for neuroendocrine cells DES Desmin - Marker for muscle cells ERBB2 HER2 - Treatment predictive marker for cancer ESR1 Estrogen receptor alpha - Marker for female tissues and cancers FLG Filaggrin - Differentiation marker for squamous epithelia GAST Gastrin - Marker for G-cells of the stomach GCG Glucagon - Marker for pancreatic alpha-cells GFAP Glial fibrillary acidic protein - Marker for astrocytes INS Insulin - Marker for pancreatic beta-cells KLK3 PSA - Marker for normal prostate and prostate cancer KRT18 Keratin 18 - Epithelial cell marker used for differential diagnostics of cancer KRT19 Keratin 19 - Epithelial cell marker used for differential diagnostics of cancer KRT20 Keratin 20 - Epithelial cell marker used for differential diagnostics of cancer KRT6A Keratin 6 (KRT6) - Epithelial cell marker used for differential diagnostics of cancer MKI67 Ki-67 - General marker for proliferation MLANA Melan-A - Marker for normal melanocytes and melanoma MME CD10 - Marker for acute lymphoblastic leukemia NKX2-1 NK2 homeobox 1 (TTF1) - Marker for lungcancer PECAM1 CD31 - Marker for blood vessels PGR Progesterone receptor - Marker for female tissues and cancers PODXL Marker for podocytes in glomeruli PTH Parathyroid hormone - Marker for the parathyroid gland PTPRC CD45 - General marker for hematopoietic and immune cells. S100B S100 - Marker for neurogenic and melanocytic cells SATB2 Marker for colorectal cancer SDC1 CD138 - General plasma cell marker SST Somatostatin - Marker for pancreatic delta-cells TG Thyroglobulin - Marker for normal thyroid and thyroid cancer TNNT3 Troponin T type 3 - Marker for fast skeletal muscles TP53 Tumor protein p53 - The anti-cancer watchdog TP63 P63 - Marker for basal epithelial cells VIM Vimentin - Marker for mesenchymal cells |
Complementary annotation dictionaries using antibodies found in the Human Protein Atlas are available as PDF-documents:
Immunohistochemistry annotation dictionary: screen usage (15MB), printing (95MB).