Multiplex tissue image of the month - SOX9 in testis

News image of the month January 2025 SOX9.PNG

The localization of SOX9 in the nucleus of sertoli cells in testis is visualized with multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF).

Sertoli cells play an important role within the seminiferous ducts of testis, providing mechanical support and nutrients to the developing sperm cells. With the help of the mIHC/IF Sertoli cells panel, it is possible to facilitate high-resolution spatial localization of proteins in different parts of Sertoli cells. Using this panel, SRY-box transcription factor 9 (SOX9) - a transcription factor that is essential for Sertoli cell development - is localized (green) specifically to the nuclei of Sertoli cells. Other visualized structures include Sertoli cell cytoplasm (red) along with the combined staining of spermatogonia and spermatocytes (cyan).

Single-cell RNA sequencing data in the Single Cell resource of the Human Protein Atlas supports the mIHC/IF data showing enhanced expression of SOX9 in Sertoli cells.

For more details about the mIHC/IF technique visit our method page.