Multiplex tissue image of the month - MIOX in kidney

News image of the month August 2024 MIOX.PNG

The proximal tubule-specific catabolic enzyme myo-inositol oxygenase (gene: MIOX) is highlighted in kidney through multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF).

Multiomics approaches help to increase the reliability of protein expression analysis. The Human Protein Atlas includes expression data at the protein and RNA level. While the RNA data provides detailed quantitative data and rough localization, mIHC/IF offers high resolution spatial localization down to the subcellular level.

MIOX - an enzyme involved in the catabolism of the glucose intermediate inositol - shows enriched expression in kidney and proximal tubular cells according to bulk and single cell RNAseq data, respectively. In the kidney mIHC/IF stainings, MIOX (green) is specifically localized to the cytoplasm and nucleus of proximal tubular cells (white). Other visualized kidney structures include distal tubules (red), collecting ducts (cyan), podocytes (yellow) and endothelial cells (magenta).

For more details about the mIHC/IF technique visit our method page.