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All assays through which the antibody has been validated. Assays&annotation provide a detailed description of the different assays. The pie-charts indicate degree of validation.
Immunocytochemistry is used to validate the antibody staining and for assessing and validating the protein expression pattern in selected human cell lines.
Results of validation by standard or enhanced validation.
Standard validation is based on concordance with available experimental gene/protein characterization data in the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot database. Standard validation results in scores Supported, Approved or Uncertain.
Enhanced validation is performed using either siRNA knockdown, tagged GFP cell lines or independent antibodies. For the siRNA validation the decrease in antibody-based staining intensity upon target protein downregulation is evaluated. For the GFP validation the signal overlap between the antibody staining and the GFP-tagged protein is evaluated. For the independent antibodies validation the evaluation is based on comparison of the staining of two (or more) independent antibodies directed towards independent epitopes on the protein.
For all cases except the siRNA validation, an image representative of the antibody staining pattern is shown. For the siRNA validation, a box plot of the results is shown.
Location (not cytoplasm) in cytoplasm (e.g. golgi, mitochondria) supported by experimental evidence for cytoplasmic localization.
Immunofluorescent staining of human cell line A-431 shows localization to nucleoplasm, nuclear membrane & microtubules. Antibody dilution: 1:19
Immunohistochemistry is used for validating antibody reliability by assessing staining pattern in 44 normal tissues. Validation scores include Enhanced, Supported, Approved and Uncertain.
Results of validation by standard or enhanced validation based on assessment of antibody performance in 44 normal tissues.
Standard validation results in scores Supported, Approved or Uncertain. An image representative of the antibody staining pattern is shown.
Enhanced validation results in the score Enhanced and includes two methods: Orthogonal validation and Independent antibody validation. For orthogonal validation, representative images of high and low expression are shown. For independent antibody validation, four images of each independent antibody are displayed.
Immunohistochemistry is used for validating antibody reliability by assessing staining pattern in 44 normal tissues. Validation scores include Enhanced, Supported, Approved and Uncertain.
Immunohistochemical staining of human cerebral cortex shows distinct nuclear membranous positivity in neuronal cells.
Antibody dilution
Literature conformityi
Conformance of the expression pattern with available gene/protein characterization data in scientific literature and data from bioinformatic predictions. UniProt is used as the main source of gene/protein characterization data and when relevant, available publications and other sources of information are researched in depth. Extensive or sufficient gene/protein data requires that there is evidence of existence on a protein level and that a substantial quantity of published experimental data is available from literature and public databases. Limited protein/gene characterization data does not require evidence of existence on a protein level and refers to genes for which only bioinformatic predictions and scarce published experimental data is available.
Consistent with extensive gene/protein characterization data.
RNA consistencyi
Consistency between immunohistochemistry data and internally generated RNA-seq data is divided into five different categoreies: i) Consistent with RNA expression data, ii) Mainly consistent with RNA expression data, iii) Mainly not consistent with RNA expression data, iv) Not consistent with RNA expression data, and v) No internal RNA expression data available for correlation.
Mainly not consistent with RNA expression data.
A Western blot analysis is performed on a panel of human tissues and cell lines to evaluate antibody specificity. For antibodies with unreliable result a revalidation using an over-expression lysate is performed.
Western Blot is used for quality control of the polyclonal antibodies generated in the project. After purification, the antibodies are used to detect bands in a setup of lysate and different tissues. The result is then scored Enhanced, Supported, Approved, or Uncertain.
Enhanced validation includes five different methods: Genetic validation, Recombinant expression validation, Independent antibody validation, Orthogonal validation and Capture MS validation.
The staining of an antibody is evaluated by Western Blot through analysis of samples from different cell lysates. A supportive score is given if band(s) of predicted size in kDa (+/-20%) is detected.
Band of predicted size in kDa (+/-20%) with additional bands present. Analysis performed using a standard panel of samples.