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Genei Gene descriptioni x Protein classi x Tissue Cell Pathology Subcellular locationi x RNA tissue categoryi x
IRS4Insulin receptor substrate 4Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
ISLRImmunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine rich repeatPredicted secreted proteins
Golgi apparatus
Plasma membrane
ISLR2Immunoglobulin superfamily containing leucine rich repeat 2Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
ISM1Isthmin 1Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
ISM2Isthmin 2Predicted secreted proteins
NucleoplasmTissue enriched
ITGA4Integrin subunit alpha 4Cancer-related genes
CD markers
FDA approved drug targets
Plasma proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membraneTissue enhanced
ITGA9Integrin subunit alpha 9Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membrane
Cell Junctions
ITGALIntegrin subunit alpha LCD markers
FDA approved drug targets
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
ITGAXIntegrin subunit alpha XCD markers
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
ITGB1Integrin subunit beta 1Cancer-related genes
CD markers
FDA approved drug targets
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Endoplasmic reticulum
Plasma membrane
Focal adhesion sites
Expressed in all
ITGB2Integrin subunit beta 2CD markers
Disease related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membraneExpressed in all
ITGB3Integrin subunit beta 3Cancer-related genes
CD markers
Disease related genes
FDA approved drug targets
Plasma proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
ITGB7Integrin subunit beta 7Cancer-related genes
FDA approved drug targets
Plasma proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membrane
ITGBL1Integrin subunit beta like 1Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
ITIH1Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 1Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
VesiclesTissue enriched
ITIH2Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 2Plasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Golgi apparatusTissue enriched
ITIH3Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 3Plasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
ITIH4Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 4Cancer-related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
VesiclesTissue enriched
ITIH5Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 5Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Golgi apparatus
ITIH6Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 6Predicted secreted proteins
Not detected
ITLN1Intelectin 1Plasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
ITLN2Intelectin 2Predicted secreted proteins
Group enriched
IZUMO1RIZUMO1 receptor, JUNOPredicted secreted proteins
Not detected
IZUMO4IZUMO family member 4Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
JAMLJunction adhesion molecule likePredicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
JCHAINJoining chain of multimeric IgA and IgMPlasma proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Expressed in all
JMJD8Jumonji domain containing 8Predicted secreted proteins
Expressed in all
KANSL2KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 2Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membrane
Expressed in all
KANTRKDM5C adjacent non-coding transcriptPredicted secreted proteins
Tissue enriched
KAZALD1Kazal type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
KCNIP3Potassium voltage-gated channel interacting protein 3Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
KCNK7Potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 7Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Voltage-gated ion channels
Plasma membraneTissue enriched
KCNN4Potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily N member 4Disease related genes
FDA approved drug targets
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Voltage-gated ion channels
Tissue enhanced
KCNU1Potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily U member 1Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membraneTissue enriched
KCPKielin/chordin-like proteinPredicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
KDELC1KDEL motif containing 1Predicted secreted proteins
KDELC2KDEL motif containing 2Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Expressed in all
KDM1ALysine demethylase 1ADisease related genes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Expressed in all
KDM3BLysine demethylase 3BPlasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
NucleoplasmExpressed in all
KDM6ALysine demethylase 6ACancer-related genes
Disease related genes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
NucleoliExpressed in all
KDM7ALysine demethylase 7APredicted secreted proteins
KDSR3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductaseCancer-related genes
Disease related genes
Potential drug targets
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Expressed in all
KERAKeratocanDisease related genes
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
KIAA0100KIAA0100Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Nuclear speckles
Expressed in all
KIAA0319KIAA0319Disease related genes
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
VesiclesTissue enriched
KIAA1324KIAA1324Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membraneMixed
KIFC2Kinesin family member C2Predicted secreted proteins
Expressed in all
KIR2DL4Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, two Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 4CD markers
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Not detected
KIR3DX1Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, three Ig domains X1Predicted secreted proteins
Not detected
KIRREL2Kin of IRRE like 2 (Drosophila)Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Microtubule organizing centerTissue enriched
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