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Genei Gene descriptioni x Protein classi x Tissue Cell Pathology Subcellular locationi x RNA tissue categoryi x
CRHR1Corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1FDA approved drug targets
G-protein coupled receptors
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
CRHR2Corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2G-protein coupled receptors
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
CRIM1Cysteine rich transmembrane BMP regulator 1Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Expressed in all
CRYABCrystallin alpha BCancer-related genes
Disease related genes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Plasma membrane
Tissue enhanced
CSCitrate synthaseCitric acid cycle related proteins
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
MitochondriaExpressed in all
CSF1RColony stimulating factor 1 receptorCancer-related genes
CD markers
Disease related genes
FDA approved drug targets
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
RAS pathway related proteins
Plasma membrane
CSF2RAColony stimulating factor 2 receptor alpha subunitCancer-related genes
CD markers
Disease related genes
FDA approved drug targets
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
CSF2RBColony stimulating factor 2 receptor beta common subunitCD markers
Disease related genes
FDA approved drug targets
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Golgi apparatusTissue enhanced
CSF3RColony stimulating factor 3 receptorCancer-related genes
CD markers
Disease related genes
FDA approved drug targets
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CSMD1CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1Predicted membrane proteins
VesiclesTissue enhanced
CSMD2CUB and Sushi multiple domains 2Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CSMD3CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3Predicted membrane proteins
Group enriched
CSNK1G1Casein kinase 1 gamma 1Enzymes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
CytosolTissue enhanced
CSPG4Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4Predicted membrane proteins
Plasma membrane
CSPG5Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 5Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
CTAGE1Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
CTAGE15CTAGE family member 15Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CTAGE4CTAGE family member 4Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CTAGE5CTAGE family member 5, ER export factorDisease related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Expressed in all
CTAGE6CTAGE family member 6Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
CTAGE8CTAGE family member 8Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CTAGE9CTAGE family member 9Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
CTB-133G6.1Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CTCFLCCCTC-binding factor likePredicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Transcription factors
Tissue enriched
CTD-2370N5.3Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Tissue enhanced
CTD-2521M24.10Predicted membrane proteins
Nuclear membraneNot detected
CTDNEP1CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1Enzymes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Lipid dropletsExpressed in all
CTNSCystinosin, lysosomal cystine transporterDisease related genes
Potential drug targets
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Intermediate filaments
Expressed in all
CTSKCathepsin KDisease related genes
Plasma proteins
Potential drug targets
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
VesiclesExpressed in all
CTXN1Cortexin 1Predicted membrane proteins
Plasma membrane
Cell Junctions
Tissue enhanced
CTXN2Cortexin 2Predicted membrane proteins
Group enriched
CUX1Cut like homeobox 1Cancer-related genes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Transcription factors
Golgi apparatus
Expressed in all
CUZD1CUB and zona pellucida like domains 1Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enriched
CWH43Cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homologPredicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CX3CL1C-X3-C motif chemokine ligand 1Plasma proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membraneTissue enhanced
CX3CR1C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1Disease related genes
G-protein coupled receptors
Plasma proteins
Potential drug targets
Predicted membrane proteins
NucleusTissue enhanced
CXADRCoxsackie virus and adenovirus receptorPredicted membrane proteins
Predicted secreted proteins
Plasma membrane
Cell Junctions
CXCL16C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 16Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Golgi apparatus
CXCR1C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 1Cancer-related genes
CD markers
G-protein coupled receptors
Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CXCR2C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 2Cancer-related genes
CD markers
G-protein coupled receptors
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CXCR3C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 3CD markers
G-protein coupled receptors
Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CXCR5C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 5CD markers
G-protein coupled receptors
Predicted membrane proteins
Tissue enhanced
CYB561Cytochrome b561Predicted membrane proteins
Expressed in all
CYB561A3Cytochrome b561 family member A3Predicted membrane proteins
Expressed in all
CYB561D1Cytochrome b561 family member D1Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
CYB561D2Cytochrome b561 family member D2Predicted membrane proteins
Expressed in all
CYB5ACytochrome b5 type ADisease related genes
Plasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Expressed in all
CYB5BCytochrome b5 type BPlasma proteins
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Endoplasmic reticulum
Microtubule organizing center
Expressed in all
CYB5R2Cytochrome b5 reductase 2Enzymes
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Golgi apparatus
Tissue enhanced
CYB5R3Cytochrome b5 reductase 3Cancer-related genes
Disease related genes
Potential drug targets
Predicted intracellular proteins
Predicted membrane proteins
Endoplasmic reticulumExpressed in all
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