Protein classesi

Protein class No of genes No of genes
with antibodies

Function and compartment basedi

Enzymes 3465 3235
CD markers 373 322 UniProt
Blood group antigen proteins 31 24 UniProt
Nuclear receptors 49 44 NucleaRDB
Transporters 1317 1149 TCDB
Ribosomal proteins 177 174 UniProt
G-protein coupled receptors 752 382 UniProt
Voltage-gated ion channels 132 99 IUPHAR-DB
Predicted membrane proteins 5480 4462 MDM
Predicted secreted proteins 2933 2491 HPA
Predicted intracellular proteins 14895 13410 HPA
Plasma proteins 3739 3521 Plasma Proteome Database
Transcription factors 1497 1353 UMG
RNA polymerase related proteins 29 28 KEGG
RAS pathway related proteins 229 204 KEGG
Citric acid cycle related proteins 30 29 KEGG

Disease and drug relatedi

Cancer-related genes 1713 1612
Candidate cardiovascular disease genes 155 143 Plasma Proteome Institute
Disease related genes 3824 3513 UniProt
FDA approved drug targets 672 579 Drugbank
Potential drug targets 1265 1173 HPA

Evidence basedi

Mapped to UniProt SWISS-PROT 18899 16649 UniProt
Protein evidence (Kim et al 2014) 12629 11887 Kim et al 2014
Protein evidence (Ezkurdia et al 2014) 11664 11163 Ezkurdia et al 2014