Programmatic data access

The full dataset that we provide for download can be found on the Downloadable data page. This section explain how to only download a subset of the data provided in XML, RDF or TSV format.

Individual entry

Data for an individual entry can be accessed in XML, RDF (trig) or TSV format by adding the corresponding format extension to the ensembl gene ID as in the below URLs:


The XML format is the most comprehensive dataset of these.

Search queries

If you want to download a subset of the entries it is possible to do so by expressing it as a search query. To get the query use the search functionality to create the query, click search. You can then use the links at the top of search results to download the data in the specified format. The search supports the following query parameters for downloads:

Param Value Info
format xml,trig,tsv Format of the data. Required for downloads
compress yes,no Whether the result should be returned gz-compressed or not. The response may transparently be compressed even with compress=no if the client supports it.
The number of entries in the result set can be found in the response header X-Total-Results. It is possible to send a HEAD request to only get a count of the entries. The server may send the following status codes:
Status code Description
400 Bad request. There was a problem in the request or the query returns too many results.
500 Server side error in the processing of the request